Monday, June 23, 2008

Lil Bits

The little is doing very well, more and more of her personality comes out every day.

She has decided that she prefers my bedroom now instead of the bathroom. She has made various caves a.k.a. safety zones under the nightstand, in my box spring, under the rocking chair, in a still unpacked box of scarves and hats. 

She started out meowing non-stop anytime I was not in the room and overnight. Since my bed is so high I guess she thought I wasn't in there cuz as soon as I hopped into bed she would meow ALL night, literally. So I tried sleeping on the floor and she was fine. I have hard wood floors so that sucked. Yeah, i have not been getting much sleep lately. She's gradually been getting more cuddly too, like actually sleeping curled under my chin or tucked into my arm which totally made up for the floor-sleeping until last night... I couldn't take the hard floor anymore. I was so done that I didn't even care if she cried all night.

I actually tuckered her out playing with this feather toy that she loves so she actually fell asleep with me up on my bed. I woke up briefly when she jumped down and then woke up again some time later when I rolled over and felt a warm little furball next to me... she figured out how to climb up on the bed!!! 
She's a smart little!
I slept the rest of the night now only worrying about squishing her when I rolled over ;-)

She's 100% kitten now, playing with everything and anything. It's been five years since I had a kitten and I'd forgotten how much fun they are. She goes non-stop then just crashes, then eats, goes potty, and then she's running again.... so freaking cute!
It's either THAT entertaining or I'm very easily amused.... ok, maybe both.

1 comment:

Miriam. said...

I vote both: Kittens are entertaining, and you are VERY easily amused (hence our friendship).