Friday, June 20, 2008

Hello bathroom floor!

So 2nd night with the little.  She meows a lot.
I don't blame her really, she's had quite the culture shock recently.
Poor little.
I'm sure she misses her momma.
She seems to feel safer in the bathroom so I started her out in there. Sad little meows kill me! So then I tried letting her sleep with me but she just kept jumping off the bed, hiding underneath it, and then meowing non-stop.... and I do mean non-stop, literally. So I put her back into the security of the bathroom where she continued to meow. I just had to sleep through it which was very hard. I didn't get much sleep that night.
We bonded throughout the day and she is definitely more secure in the bathroom where she is playful and cuddly and acts like a normal kitten. I spent most of the day sitting in the bathroom with her where she routinely ate, pooed, and fell asleep cuddled in my arms purring contentedly.
So last night (the second night) I figured I'd just leave her in the bathroom and not stress her out by taking her into my bedroom. She was meowing desperately the whole time and I tried to tell myself that she just needs to get used to it and that she'd be fine. But then I was like, it's only her 2nd night away from everything she knew to be safe.... well that made me give in. I'm a total sucker. I grabbed my pillow and crashed on the bathroom floor. She stopped meowing as soon as I got in there and fell asleep curled up under my chin.  
2 words.
freaking. adorable.

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