Thursday, July 3, 2008


We have a crusty old barn cat that lived at our diet prep building in the middle of the park. He came to us as a kitten 13 years ago who had been hit by a car. He stole the hearts of the Safari employees and stayed to be the luckiest most loved cat in the world. He got fed treats daily, his favorite being avocado. And in return for catching mice he got chunks of fresh horse meat. He was a lover and a fighter. He would greet us every morning with his creaky old meow and get rubs and every once in a while submit to a hug and a cuddle in the arms of a few select keepers. We pulled fox-tails from his fur and shaved his clumpy mats in the summertime. He was the most loved cat and one of the luckiest alive, getting loves and treats from the whole staff.
One of my co-workers found him this morning listless with a large nasty cut on one of his legs. I don't know what happened or how long he was like that but it kills me that he made it back home hoping that someone would find him and take care of him. We are going to have a special burial for him at the park.

Dubbers..... I am going to miss you so!

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