Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Drink up and pay up!

Me and the girls set up a raffle at the Safari's Wine Stroll after-hours event to raise money for our AAZK chapter tonight. 
The wine stroll event is after the park has closed. Tables are set up through out the village area. Some tables are appetizers and others are wine tasting. Each of the local vineyards of the Umpqua Valley have a table for tasting and purchasing. Guests come in and get to stroll through the village, drink wine, eat good food, and enjoy the village critters and musical guests.  
We ended up with a wine bottle filled with grapes. People had to pay for a ticket ($2 donation towards animal conservation) and then guess how many grapes were in the bottle. The guess closest to the correct number won a lovely wine rack put together by Lacey and a family day pass to the safari... a gift value of $100, not a bad deal if I do say so myself.
It went swimmingly! Our table was very popular and we took home a nice sum. Guess who ended up winning the prize... our vet. So sad.
All in all a success, I think we'll definitely to something like this again.

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