Saturday, June 21, 2008

Drum roll please........

The winner of the name contest is Takoda!
(I'm bummed cuz I really liked Douglas but the public has spoken)
As usual public opinion is not my own ;-)

But it's still a good name.

Baby bear is "no name" no longer. Yay!

The dinner event last night went very well.

We shuttled people into the back bear yard in vans. Us keepers had to escort the vans back there so that the adult bears in the front yard wouldn't mess with the van. It was like 92 degrees and the safari shirts we have to wear for special events do not breathe well at all so we were roasting!
The dinner event area in the back looked lovely though, the caterers did a fantastic job and all guests behaved themselves very well.
There was a buffet dinner, raffle prizes, donation stations where people could sign up to donate a bear and help feed them for the next year, 2 grand prizes (a large stuffed black bear & a wine basket), an enrichment keeper talk and then an opportunity for guests to toss enrichment over the fence to the big bears, and the naming event for the baby bear.

It turned out great, we raised about $10K for the baby bear and additions to hit hut as well as adoptions of the other bears.

The best part by far though was after we had shuttled all of the people out, it was getting dark, clouds rolled in, about 10 of us staff we still sitting in the back yard eating some dinner from the buffet and then the thunder and lightning started. It was amazing!!! We were all alone in the middle of the safari at night with a thunder storm going on around us and eating the most wonderful food. 

So freaking-A cool!

All in all, a good night.

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