Saturday, June 28, 2008


I'm having a serious case of it. I can't open any windows or doors and its freaking 90 degrees in here. It's cooler outside!

My house is getting painted so they've painted all the windows shut.... I can't open any I even tried taking a box knife to them to cut away the paint and pry them open, no success.

And they took off my screen doors so if I want air to flow through I also have to deal with the two neighbor cats coming in to my house and the kitten possibly getting out. Because she's been closed up in my room it's like a freaking furnace in there and I can't put my fan in the window. 


I seriously considered calling the landlord to bitch but went outside for a breath of air instead and watched the lightning storm for a little bit. 
I feel better now. Still hot, but better.

1 comment:

Miriam. said...

are they going to unpaint the windows shut?